Saturday 9 May 2015

Poster FINAL Draft

 Above is my FINAL draft of the poster for my fictional film "The Deprived". For me the last adjusments were really benefical. Firstly, the second tagline "JUDGEMENT DAY IS COMING" for me can hopefully emphasis that The Deprived is of the post-apocalyptic genre. I believe it has strong connotations with the Bible making it quite widespread in terms of it's connections. I feel the spreading of the Billing Block gave me the ability to show more of the project's main character Adam. This for me was essiential as the audience need to know of him before going to see the film, to hopefully gain a sense of sympathy or intrigument for his harrowing position in the poster. The critical comments for me were to mimick a dying mans last thoughts, as if they were scribed into a wall before his last breath. I feel having well-known film magazines giving their approval would entice more people to go and watch the film. The red, blood stained title according to one peer"gives off a sense of the post-apocalyptic. The final edited image is supposed to rally support and sympathy for Adam in his weak, horrific and terrifying position, which hopefully will drag them to go and see the film in the cinema.

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