Saturday 9 May 2015

Film Magazine Draft Two

Film Magazine Draft Two

To the left is my second draft of my film magazine "LENSE". The main adjustments are the sell-lines. At the moment the cover the whole space on the left hand side. I however feel this wont be the case in the third draft as I want to make them consise so I can have more space for the main image I plan to add later. In discussion of a main image I believe it would be of Will Kearse possibly whispering to the camera in some way, this hopefully will give off a sense of secrecy and intimacy from Kearse to the reader. I have also put a border on the wording after the Splash to show the wording through the darkness, hopefully giving off the imagery of the world of violence rising to take over the world.  I plan, in my next draft to have some form of image, probably not edited, but to just see how it would fit. I do want, as explored above to adjust the sell lines on the left hand side and to hopefully ensure they dont take up too much space.

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