Monday 4 May 2015

"Lense" | Main Source of Influence

"Lense" | Main Source of Influence

To the left is my main source of influence for my magazine "Lense". Here is the April 2015 edition of the UK's leading film magazine "Empire". Its layout and colour scheme majorly influenced my choices in the drafting stages of my magazine.

Firstly the big, expanded Masthead which covers the width of the page dominates the upper parts of the cover. Its big contrasting colour differs from the image, yet it helps to segment the page with the red in the footer and subsidiary text.

The bold Main Image takes up approximately 4/5 of the page which brings the on-lookers eyes to the image, which is it's job to be the most eye catching feature of the page and to promote the boldest feature in the magazine.

The limited subsidiary texts do enough to promote the inner and less aware features by simply saying "Game of Thrones" the magazine brings in more readers due to it's immense viewership and fanbase. With promised features on topics such as "Ultron" the magazine hits again to a very, very large fan base in the Marvel world adding to the potential readership for this issue.

The three main colours used in the simple colour scheme do well to differenate the different promoted features on the cover adding to a concrete structure, making the cover successfully layed out. The transparent text in the Splash suggests the film will have a mysterious underlying to it and the background suggests a war with flying debris and smoke adding a mixed grey backtone. This film does successful bring more readers and it successfully promotes it's big feature to the on-lookers .

To conclude this issue of Empire successfully promotes the film Terminator Genisys aswell enticing on-lookers who have just seen the issue on the shelves. It's stylish and dangerous looking nature is also attract on the eye with a basic, yet nice to look at, colour scheme. It does it's job well, as a successful promotional tool for the film industry.

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