Saturday 9 May 2015

Poster Draft Two

On the second draft of my poster I have been able to add a nice image witha edited sky which I hopefully will give off a sense of the project being post-apocalyptic. I have added a visible billing block, but I believe I would need to stretch it out to the ends of the poster. I have also added a Twitter reference to which I believe can help the audience feel more connected with the brand of The Deprived. I have also emphasised that the brand has a website and this will hopefully make the on-looker be able to connect and associate it'self with the brand. I hope to maybe adjust the bold, big release date at the top of the poster because one piece of feedback stated it is maybe "out of place?". This I feel will mean I would adjust it so it is a another tagline which will hopefully emphasis the film's genre as post-apocalyptic.

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