Thursday 11 December 2014

"The Deprived" | First Draft Poster w/ Analysis

"The Deprived" | First Draft Poster w/ Analysis

Sorry for the confusing rotation
To the right is my very first poster draft for the poster of my project "The Deprived".  Below the draft is my first analysis of the first draft. 

Looking back there are several problems with the draft, but with it being a first draft, I now have time to adapt it, and make it better.

I do however feel there are some good points to the poster, of which can be seen in the analysis and in the final sum up at the end of the post

Here is my analysis of the draft, along with the teacher referrals, good and bad points. These points will be summed up at the bottom of the post.

In the analysis I analyse the poster, its connotations, its deep meanings and how the audience can understand the genre. The latter is something I feel (in looking back) I did the weakest, and this is something I MUST improve to have a good final draft and offer a good, professional looking poster.

Another aspect, upon looking back that I need to improve is the lack of a realistic Billing Block. It needs to improve to provide the on-looker with at least a decent presentation and representation of the project.

To the right is actual audience feedback which states "Nice tagline" - This does give me faith that there are still some good features to keep on the poster. The tagline was something I took alot of time over, and I (after receiving this) am very adamant to keep it.

More audience feedback reads "Good title arrangements". This (like the tagline) was something that I took very cautiously. The structure of "THE" being turned in on the word "DEPRIVED" is something I have seen on many notable film posters, it helps to provide more space and it makes the film seem more slick and professional.

Teacher Feedback

To the right is my teachers original feedback. Here we can see the grading system in relation to my poster. Here I have learnt my current grade is a high D (D+) of which is disappointing but also inspiring to help me achieve the higher grades

The feedback suggests my title and tagline are of standard, but everything else (especially the attention to conventional details) needs to improve. On reading the 'Strengths' I understand my title connotations and the character's engagement with the audience are on par, but upon reading the areas for improvement, I now know what I have to do to meet my potential.

Final Summary/Demands for re-draft

Good things:

  • Interesting title with successful connotations.
  • Intriguing tagline which helps the audience identify the film's genre.
  • Character's engagement with the audience.

Bad things/Things that need to improve:

  • The un-clear structure which confuses the on-looker to think there is two pictures of the poster.
  • The questionable decision to include a car on the poster, would there really be drive-able car?
  • The lacking attention to conventional details, such as the Billing Block, the release date and multi-platform media to help the audience feel more engaged.
  • Possible use of colour?

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