Thursday 11 December 2014

"The Deprived" | Acting


The two leading roles of Jack and Adam, who play the two teenage boys will be played by fellow students William Kearse and Robert King. Will playing the younger boy Adam, and Rob playing the older, more aggressive Jack. As for the rest of the cast, consisting of gang members, A gang leader, and other wanderers. These will be played by other members in the group, Lloyd Pocknell and Charlotte Parfitt. the gang leader being played by either me or Charlotte, as of yet is undecided. For extras and gang members I have managed to find a few people that are willing to take there time out to help with the trailer, mostly close friends. This has made the project feel much more close-knit then first anticipated 

Left, Robert King, right, Harry Fields. Two keen volunteers

Above are two volunteers in a early sight shoot, here we see Robert King, playing Adam and fellow student Harry Fields (extra) getting used to the setting, getting an understanding of where the shoot will eventually take place and discussing ideas for further shots

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