Friday 5 December 2014

Original "Victim" Plot Synopsis

Original "Victim" Plot Synopsis

17 year old Will Stuart has been bullied his entire high school life. It is on this particular day where he is punched, pushed and stolen, he now feels enough is enough. After being bullied Will turns to his best (and only) friend for the final time. He asks Dan, his friend, "what do I need to do" (in reference to the bullying) Dan offers no advice then Will leaves his friend stating "its time to end this...".

At the end of the school day Will arrives home. He feels that he is on a mission to avenge his years of torment and with his father being a farmer, he steals his father's gun. He then goes upstairs and practices how to hold the gun infront of a mirror, he learns of the way to hold the gun, dealing with the grip. He begins to start an emotional relationship with the gun, believing the gun and himself are the only things that can end his torment.

On Saturday he spends all his savings on gun tutorial tapes online, using up all the money he ever had. He uses his father's credit card to buy an immense amount of ammunition, he ensures the products are left outside the house, when his parents are working. After they are all delivered, he feels ready.

Nothing stands in his way, he has the gun, he has the ammunition. But he finds himself deliberating what he plans to do. "Is this right?...What about my parents?" He finds himself doubting his plans, should he go forth with his plans?. He takes one school week, five days, to fully consider his possible actions. In these days, he cries every night, fearing his parents' pain and sorrow in the aftermath. He does however have one more encounter with his bully, of whom (again) punches, pushes and spits upon him. Will's mind is set, he can't take this anymore. Tomorrow he kills his bully.

Later that night, he tells his parents he is going to round Dan's house, he is however lying. He takes his gun and some ammunition to a local farm owned by his father. Here he practices his shooting for the final time, he has mastered this skill at the age of  17. He has become a product of society's downfall and now tomorrow he gives the world his anger that has been building his entire life.

His final morning consists of waking up at 7.00am (like everyday) he then brushes his teeth, showers and then dresses. His facial expression however is different, he seems excited, he seems like he has been waiting for this moment. After getting ready, he takes his final voyage down his house's stairs and walks into the kitchen, he seems to relish this journey. He is making the most of this final morning, his final engagement into the everyday pattern of his life. After skipping breakfast, he takes extra care in kissing his parents goodbye. The last ever words he tells them are "I love you". These are words they will never forget.

The time turns 8.43 and after walking normally, as if nothing were to happen, he has the school gates in his sight, he begins to inhale and exhale deeply, his breathing quickens. He suddenly takes his gun out of the bag, the rifle just fits, he puts it on the ground and does his bag up and puts it back on his shoulder. He picks up his rifle, no one of yet has noticed, no ever looks at him normally, so why would they notice. He begins to walk towards the school, the rifle nestled in his right hand. He holds it one handed, but then lets the gun trail against the pavement as he begins his final venture into school.  The eerie, brooding sound pleasures Will, as people begin to notice Will's horrifying figure. People begin to run, quickly walking away to protect themselves, as muttering and shouting began to occupy the airwaves. This however clearly has no effect on Will, who is listening to the screeching gun and seemingly completely unaware and disconnected to the fuss and mass fear he has created. One thing does demand his attention though and that is his bully. He finds him standing up against a wall, and Will points the gun barrel towards the bully and utters the words "library, now". The bully and Will proceed to the library, whilst students run for safety. As they reach the school library, the bully begins to cry and beg for mercy, believing Will is going to kill him for the years of aggression he has given to Will. Will forces the door open with the barrel of the rifle and demands the bully to be quiet, the bully, in a vulnerable state obeys and is told to sit in the corner of the library.

The librarian  falls into a complete state of panic, she cant breath properly and falls to the ground, her body begins to spasm as she searches for air. The bully in witnessing this moment of supreme sadness resumes his cries, this time louder and with more sorrow for what he has caused. Will looks down on the librarian who now is red and asks "do you even know my name?" The woman unable to speak, her eyes bloodshot in her search for oxygen simply mouths "Will Stuart" as her head falls loudly to the floor making the bully scream in horror. Will swiftly turns to the bully in understanding he wasn't alone, there were people to talk too. Will's face portrays stark horror and complete disbelief, he believed he was doing something right he know feels a life has ended needlessly as he was wrong. In this moment police sirens echo outside as Will inspects the aftermath of his actions, police are everywhere, the blue colouring of their lights paint Will's saddening morals as he hears something from outside the library. He turns in panic and holds the rifle to his head. Police storm into the door, shouting "put the gun down!", the bully holds his head in his hands, sobbing, rocking back and forth on the spot attempting to stay moderately calm. Will feels something on his cheek, it trails, but he still is unaware of what it is. It falls to the floor as he notices that it was a tear, the police however continue in their attempts to calm Will. It is at this point one officer notices the body of the librarian behind her desk, still bloodshot from her death, he calls an ambulance. Will aware of his actions mutters the words "Please tell people it wasn't my parents' fault.. Tell them that I love them" Will then turns to face the bully, who in looking at Will's face begins to cry again as a officer responds to Will's mutter by saying "Will, your gonna tell them yours-" BANG.

Blood swarms around the librarian's laying corpse and soon drifts towards the bully's screaming body. He has learnt his lesson, as various officers surround Will's paling corpse. The call for a ambulance is repeated. The time turns 9.19 as sirens forbid anyone from speaking and police tape borders those involved and those not. Britain won't forget this for a while.

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