Thursday 11 December 2014

"The Deprived | Adam Costume Analysis

"The Deprived | Adam Costume Analysis

This coat/hoodie will be worn by the 17 year old Adam. The fabrics relate to Adams' personality, the hard feeling fabrics on the outer parts of the coat contrast against the fluffy nature of the inner parts of the coat, symbolising the hard shell of Adam is matched with a soft core, showing vulnerability and a avenue for the audience to relate to the character.

This hoodie goes with modern day teenagers, most of which where hoodies in some form, this adds to the realism of the mise-en-scene, but it also depicts Adam as realistic, this would go underneath the jacket above, providing warmth in a world where everything seems cold and murky.


The jeans will eventually be battered and bruised ready for the shoot, but these are stereotypical jeans which symbolise the 'everyday' nature of Adam, that he is just a teenager. 

By already having two coats on, this could be a jacket for another character, but this is one coat fellow group member, Will Kearse, was very strong in including. I believe it could look very dirty and resemble the morals of the inhabitants of Earth when placed in a post-apocalyptic world. This one is in the maybe pile.

This pair of mountain boots I feel perfectly fit not only the costume needed but particularly for the character of Jack, of whom before the apocalypse was very independent and would have already owned a pair of boots like this

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