Saturday 6 December 2014

"The Deprived" | BBFC Classification

"The Deprived" | BBFC Classification

In the post-apocalyptic genre there are always scenes of explicit violence and language, our film in continuing that trend, wont be any different. Admittedly in the trailer, you as an audience, will only ever get hints of violence, or to maybe see the aftermath of the action. This is essential for all audiences to be able to see the reader and help broaden the film's reach and appeal.

In comparing to other Post-apocalyptic features such as "The Road" we, as a group, noticed most of this genre are age rated "15" by the BBFC (British Board of Film Classification). This informs us that this genre doesn't portray violence to a huge degree,  instead the audience are offered more of a psychological package. This told us that with decreasing amount of actual explicit violence shown on screen in Post-apocalyptic films we shouldn't feel the need to spoil the viewer in the film, or indeed in the trailer.

To demonstrate the low level of violence and gore we are allowed to show in U rated trailers, for viewing for all ages, the trailer for "The Road" is below.

This trailer symbolise my points above, they tease the viewer implying strong violence, without showing it. This tells the viewer not only of the target age demographic but of the film's possible genre. This is just one example of the accepted level of violence, danger and threat allowed to be shown in a trailer.

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