Thursday 9 October 2014

The Road | Motion Picture Analysis

The Road | Motion Picture Analysis

Upon finalising my film plot and overall genre I have concluded that it is a survival thriller film, It follows the common codes and conventions of a survival thriller but I also aim that it would bring in it's own fresh, unique take on the genre. A classic example of the survival genre is as follows 

The film and it's survival genre counterparts follow a set list of themes and conventions that help the film seem more identifiable and realistic. These are seen in most survival films:

  • A journey of some kind, that symbolises the journey and struggle for life.
  • A story that teases the audience of the past and makes the audience ask 'why did the world come to this?' Thus adding to the Code of Enigma.
  • A relationship under immense strain, often due to the post-apocalyptic surroundings. As-well as a further relationship with a parental figure and a person under someone's wing.
  • Desolate buildings, roads etc to show the world's condition and to add to the mise-en-scene.
  • Characters that are often completely different due to their surroundings, and that have changed dramatically.
  • A fragile sounding soundtrack which often symbolises the protagonist's conditions health wise.
  • A over-riding theme of fear from evil gangs, militias and so forth, that are after land, money, food or even lives.
  • Characters who often cling on to specific things that keep them motivated to stay alive. In "The Road" the characters cling on to each other.
  • A tear-jerking ending that could often mean a death, or loss of a character at the end, symbolising the journey (as identified earlier) is over.
  • In the film it would show the most simplest of things, which now, due to the post-apocalyptic surroundings are made either harder, or seen as a luxury.

These are themes and conventions that could very easily be integrated into my trailer and I hope to successfully do so. I hope to bring a sense of fear, and have characters that are really engrossing. This is something "The Road" does superbly. It blends a father/son relationship in a atmosphere where bringing up a child is horrible. Its this kind of bleakness that will be seen in my trailer between the main characters. I hope to also replicate a eerie sounding soundtrack which would mirror the broken world that surrounds them. I also wish to bring a horrifying and fulfilling ending which "The Road" does so brilliantly. I hope to bring the gang/militia element to my trailer which would help the audience understand the good vs evil element, but also bringing a suspense plot.

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