Saturday 11 October 2014

Prisoners | Motion Picture Analysis

Prisoners | Motion Picture Analysis

After doing further research and thinking into what particular additions I want added to my trailer's genre, I have realised after watching "Prisoners"it has the pace, the character depths and the atmosphere I would really like to integrate to my project.

The film offers a very different plotline to that of my trailer, it does however have elements of suspense and poses as a modern classic in the thriller genre. 

Admittedly this film will have major differences to what my trailer will show, but there are possible similarities that I would love to integrate into my trailer:

  • Very mysterious characters with motives unknown that are multi-layered.
  • A trailer that suggests twists and turns to keep the audience glued to their seat
  • A dark (mostly at night set) background to the film symbolising the dark horrors that await the characters
These are features that I feel would really benefit the trailer I am creating, features that I feel could really help to benefit my genre being survival, crossed with a suspenseful thriller. I believe they would make the audience more aware of the genre, it will help the audience understand what they would be in for if they were to watch the film, as well bringing more of wider range of viewers too. I wish to integrate the horror and suspense aspects of "Kill List" (as seen in my previous film analysis) and combine it with the tense thriller-like feel of "Prisoners" and make my project a suspenseful survival trailer.

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