Friday 10 October 2014

Kill List | Motion Picture Analysis

Kill List | Motion Picture Analysis

On trying to identify new themes to replicate in my trailer I found myself trekking deep into some classic examples of the suspense thriller. One case is Ben Wheatley's "Kill-List". A "cult classic in the making" according to CLASH. 

I believe the film blends a man's decent into a unimaginably horrible conclusion, with bleak (thriller-esque) foreshadowing.

The film itself is very brutal and is very unforgiving. "Kill-List" brings not only suspenseful drama in a thriller format, but it also features strong elements of horror which keeps the dramatic and suspenseful elements alive. The genre follows a set lists of codes/conventions and over-lapping themes that (in my trailer) I would like to replicate, these include:

  • A over-whelming sense of wondering into the mysterious unknown. A feel of impending doom.
  • A soundtrack that fore-shadows doom and fear.
  • Realistic characters in a setting that would bring the worst and most unpredictable out of them.
  • A real sense of mystery, and a feel of complete ignorance for the viewer.
  • Character motives that question what is normally good or bad
These themes and codes/conventions that are in the film would really fit in my trailer and plot. I believe they would fit in with the suspenseful thriller aspect in my film, and would help bring some welcome scares which could help the suspenseful feel. The characters in "Kill List" really question whats right and whats wrong. Something that the characters in my trailer will be asking themselves in every action they commit, thus making this film a big influence and inspiration to re-create the atmosphere and character depth. The soundtrack (partly heard in the trailer) really brings out the eerie, creepy feel in the film. This (again) is something my trailer will try to feature, not really in the same sounding style but I hope it will try to bring out the unpredictable nature of the world the characters are now in.

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