Tuesday 18 November 2014

Film Trailer | Audience Demographic

Film Trailer | Audience Demographic

Upon creating the plot, we as a group, had strong feelings for a post-apocalyptic survival story, a story that would engage and keep the audience obssessed with the trailer. With this in mind the following blog will inform you of the target audience, demographically and psychographically, that our trailer is aimed for.
After researching the genre online I have found that often in this genre the films are incredibly bleak and contain strong language and violence. They are physcological challenges on the audience that almost prove to be a test, to see how much they can take. They often contain suspenseful elements to link in with the survival genre and thus create a gloomy, yet incredibly eye-catching atmosphere. With these facts in mind I have chosen a age range of 25-40 years of age. This has come after gaining secondary research on sites such as (www.idmb.com) which told me that due to the physicalogoical baggage the genre can inflict on the viewer, the intended audience would need to be of an older age bracket. After linking this in with my project I feel that this is a valid statement and would influence our intended audience. I feel anyone under the age of 25 are vunerable to be mentally affected by the bleak intensity of the film and this (in my opinon) has to mean 25+ is the correct age bracket. To stop at 40 years is simply a prediction that those aged 25-40 would find the film more entertaining, more hard-hitting than those older than 40, possibly because those who are 40+ are more immune to the hard-hitting nature of the film, and this is something I would want every member of the audience to feel, affected. This is why the film will be a 18 certificate.
The ideal target audience for the film, would be a avid film fan, one with a vast collection of films, and one who is emmursed in all film genres. The person takes pride in their love affair with motion pictures and activley goes to the cinema on the regular basis and this person has inter-textual knowledge in the film/TV world.  This demographic find films as a art form and loves to discuss their passion. They are hard working and from a working class background with a committing job. Jobs most notable consist of computing, blogging and other jobs in media that relate and link in to their passion of movies. They are also avid gamers, with at least one big name console. Their income will be low to moderate, showing their determination to exhaust their passion of films whilst overcoming possibly strict financial barriers. The demographic would be 65% male and 35% female symbolising the stereotypical "nerdy" culture and nature that the audience will possess. Psychographically the demographic also possesses the urge to spend fairly large sums of money (in accordance to their earnings) to satisfy their film cravings, either in conventions, cinema trips or a friendly get together.

All of these beliefs and issues I believe can be seen and demonstrated through the mood board below 

Mood board 


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